Poppits brand non-chlorine sanitiser is a healthy alternative to conventional chlorine and bromine options for people concerned about asthma, sensitive skin, and the environment.
Hydrogen peroxide (H202) is a powerful yet versatile oxidant that is both safe and effective for use in residential spas as well as being a stronger oxidiser than chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and potassium permanganate.
How are they different from chlorine?
Poppit Spa Sanitiser cleans and conditions the spa in one action. It uses hydrogen peroxide to oxidise the bacteria and organic materials in spa water, while at the same time preventing the buildup of organic slime on spa walls and seats.
The advantage of the Poppit Spa Sanitiser is that it does not contain chlorine or bromine making it ideal for asthmatics and people with sensitive skin. In fact, there is no need to shower or bath after using your spa.
Peroxsil365 Chlorine Free Sanitiser uses the synergy between silver and hydrogen peroxide to achieve the ultimate level of disinfection in spa and pool water. The combination of both components oxidizes any bacteria or organic matter that may be present in the pool or spa water.
Using Poppits in your spa
#1 Heat And Read the Poppits Peroxsil Test Strip
Preheat the water in your spa to at least 26 degrees then, using the Peroxsil395 test strip (swirl 3 times and line up with colour indicators on the test vial) check and record pH and alkalinity. It is important to make the reading within 30 seconds for it to be accurate.
#2 Balance Water Adjusting the PH & Total Alkalinity with Poppits One-Step Prep
Based on the reading on the test strip, you can determine how much of the Poppits One Step Water Prep to add. See the chart below for how much to add.
When adding Poppits One-Step Water Prep to spa water, pour it slowly into the spa with the jets turned on.
Circulate water for 2 – 3 hours before moving to Step 3.
NOTE: Generally, town water supply has some level of alkalinity whereas rainwater (tank water) has none. Check levels again the next day (please note, the strips read pH slightly lower than actual and so if the reading for pH is at the lower end of the scale this is acceptable).
Poppits Start Up Kit
#3 Sanitise Your Spa by adding Poppits Peroxsil395 Pool & Spa Sanitiser
For Spas up to 3000 litres add 380ml / 1000 litres and circulate for 30 minutes.
For Swim Spas add 250ml / 1000 litres and circulate for 60minutes.
Make sure your PER (sanitiser) level before bathing is at least 100ppm. Alternatively, ask us about auto-dosing.